Welcome to Bicester Green's Library of Things
Our Library of Things is essentially a sharing library that, well, shares stuff and things. For a fee you become a member of the library and pay a charge to hire an item for a week or longer if you need it for a larger job. Items such as DIY tools, garden tools, hand tools and equipment for around the home that you might not need to use very often or take up storage space that you simply don’t have available. It’s a simple concept, designed to:
Prevent the need to buy new things
Reduce the need to own stuff
Share the resources of the planet
Create a Sharing Community
Reduce Waste, CO2 & Impact on Climate Change
Bicester Green is fortunate in that we stock quite a few of the items that we've included in the Library, but we are always grateful for donations of additional items that maybe you no longer need or have replaced already, items such as belt sanders, jigsaws, hand tools, garden tools or air fryers and electric woks. So, if you think you may have something of use to us then please do get in touch on social media, via email or just pop in to see us and ask the question, we’ll be more than happy to help.
We hope that our Library of Things will make a difference to Bicester, the local community and their pockets too!
Find out how it works here.